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New Direction for ROK-U.S. Security Alliance: Go to the Basic

* August 23 (Thursday)

08:30-09:00: Registration: Desk at Conference Room

09:00-09:20: Opening Remarks
Gen (Ret.) Jae-Chang Kim, Council Co-chairman (ROK)
Gen (Ret.) John H. Tilelli, Council Co-chairman (U.S.)

09:20-09:50: Keynote Speech: Hon. Dr. Jong-Chun Baek, National Security Advisor to President

09:50-12:20: PANEL I: Major Issues on North Korea: Problems and Remedies

ㆍHuman Rights in North Korea: A New Assessment (Politics) (U.S. Paper)
ㆍ Nuclear Weapons and WMD of North Korea: A New Assessment (Military) (ROK Paper)
ㆍEconomic Transformation of North Korea: A New Assessment (Economy) (ROK Paper)
– Chair( ROK) Dr. Hang Yul Rhee, Prof., Shepherd Univ.
– Presenters:
ROK: Dr. Taewoo Kim, Senior Fellow, Korea Institute for National Defense Analyses
Dr. Un Chul Yang, Senior Fellow, the Sejong Institute
U.S.: Ms. Suzanne Scholte, Chairman, North Korea Freedom Coalition
– Discussants:
ROK: Mr. Tong Kim, Visiting Prof., Johns Hopkins and Korea Univ.
U.S.: Mr. Scott A. Snyder, Senior Fellow, Asia Foundation
Dr. Young Whan Kihl, Prof., Iowa State Univ.
12:30-14:00: Luncheon
Policy Speech: Hon. Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, U.S. Embassy
Hosted by Ambassador Keun Park, President, The Korea America Friendship Society
Mr. Choong_Gu Nahm, Chairman, The Hwajeong Peace Foundation & The Institute 21st for Peace Studies

14:00-16:20: Panel II: China and Japan`s Policy toward North Korea

ㆍChina`s Policy toward North Korea
ㆍJapan`s Policy toward North Korea
– Chair( ROK) Dr. Yong Soon Yim, fm. Prof., Sungkyunkwan Univ.
– Presenters:
ROK : Dr. Tae Hwan Lee, Senior Fellow, the Sejong Institute
Japan: Dr. Hideshi Takesada, Prof., National Institute for Defense Studies
U.S.: Dr. Robert G. Sutter, Prof., Georgetown Univ.
– Discussants:
ROK: Dr. Soung Chul Kim, Senior Fellow, The Sejong Institute.
U.S.: Dr. Stephen Noerper, Prof., Center for Global Affairs, New York Univ.
China: Rear Admiral(ret.) Zhenqiang Pan, Senior Fellow, The Center for Strategic Studies, Chinese National Defense Univ.

16:35-18:55: Panel III: Security Challenges for the New President of ROK

ㆍ The Impact of Korean Politics on Its Military Reform and the ROK-U.S. Security Cooperation (ROK Paper)
ㆍ The Implication of Korean Politics on ROK-U.S. Security Alliance: American Perspectives (U.S. Paper)
ㆍThe Impact of 2007 ROK Presidential Election on Its National Security: Vision for the Future (ROK paper)
– Chair( U.S.) Gen(ret.) John H. Tilelli, Co-chairman of COKUSS
– Presenters:
ROK: Dr. Choong Nam Kim, Visiting Fellow, East-West Center, Hawaii
Dr. Byung Ki Kim, Prof., Korea Univ.
U.S.: Dr. William M. Drennan, Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute for Peace
– Discussants:
ROK: Dr. Changyin Chung, Senior Fellow, Korean Veterans Association
MD. Young Han Moon, Visiting Prof., Korea Military Academy
U.S.: Dr. Alexandre Y. Mansourov, Prof.. Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies

19;10-21:00: Dinner
Hosted and Speech by Hon. Jang Soo Kim, ROK Defense Minister

* August 24 (Friday)

08:40-09:00 Registration: Desk at the Conference Room

09:00-11:45: Panel IV: ROK-U.S. Maritime Security Cooperation
ㆍ ROK-U.S. Military Cooperation for Global War on Terrorism
ㆍ ROK-U.S. Navy Cooperation for ROKN’s SLOC Protection
ㆍPLA Navy’s Buildup and Counter-move of U.S. Navy

– Chair( ROK) Adm(ret.) Byoung Tae An, President, Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy (KIMS)
– Presenters:
ROK: Dr. Suk-Joon Yoon, ROK Navy
U.S.: Dr. Bruce E. Bechtol, Jr., Prof., U.

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