- 주 제 : 장래의 한미해군 협조(The Future of ROK Navy –US Navy Cooperation)
- 일 시 : 22 June 2007
미해군 CNA(Center for Naval Analysis)와 Hawaii에서 학술회의 개최
1. 작년 한미안보협의회에서 CNA 부소장 및 CSS의 Director인 McDevitt 제독과 MOU를 체결한 것을 바탕으로 하여 KIMS는 금년 6월 22일 CNA와 하와이에서 “한미 해군협력의 미래”라는 주제로 학술회의를 개최하였다.
CNA는 질 높은 연구를 하고 전략, 지역, 정책 문제들을 분석하여 고객에게 제공하는 CSS (Center for Strategic Studies), IAG(International Affairs Group) 및 PAT(Project Asia Team) 등의 division으로 구성되어 있다.
2. 전 미국무성 동아시아 담당 장관보였던 Kelly를 비롯해 태평양 함대사령관을 역임한 2명의 예비역 제독, CNA의 전문가, 대학교수 등이 참석하여 심층있는 토론을 하였음.
주한 미해군사령관 Wisecup 제독이 작전참모를 대동하고 참여하였고, 태평양함대에서 실무장교들이 참가하는 열의를 보였음.
KIMS 측에서는 정의승 이사장, 안병태 소장, 이지두 제독(전 해군사관학교 교장, 하와이 총영사), 한상기 제독(전 3함대 사령관), 김태호 한림대 교수가 참가하여 CNA측의 철저한 준비와 진행으로 첫 번째 회의를 매우 성공적으로 마칠 수 있었음.
3. 회의 의제와 발표자는 다음과 같음.
▣ The Future of ROK Navy ?US Navy Cooperation
▣ Co-Sponsored by the Korean Institute of Maritime Strategy (KIMS) , The Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)
▣ Doubletree Alana Waikiki Hotel
▣ Conference Schedule
**Thursday 21 June 2007
1830: Welcome reception and dinner poolside at the Doubletree Alana Hotel
**Friday 22 June 2007
0800-0900: Registration, coffee and pastries the Naupaka Room
0900-0930: Welcome and opening statements by Co-Hosts:
Mr. Chung Eui-Sung, Founder and Board Chairman KIMS, Admiral (retired) An Byoung-tae, President KIMS
and former ROK Navy CNO and RADM (retired) Michael McDevitt, Director Center for Strategic Studies, CNA
0930-1045: Panel One: Topic: “Respective Maritime Strategy`s”
This panel will set the stage by: (1) Addressing current US Navy thinking regarding maritime strategy
in the region, to include a discussion of the National Strategy for Maritime Security, the 1000 ship navy
and maritime oriented initiatives such as PSI are all addressed by that strategy; (2) The maritime strategy
or vision for its navy that the Republic of Korea holds, (3) and how the defense of the ROK from DPRK fits
into the respective strategies’ of both navies, especially in view of the shifts occasioned by changes
in wartime OPCON.
— US Maritime Strategy in East Asia: RADM Michael McDevitt, USN (retired)
— ROK Maritime Strategy and the Vision for the Future of the ROK Navy: VADM Lee Ji-do, ROKN (retired)
— Naval Defense of the ROK: The evolution of roles and missions because of wartime OPCON changes: Dr Stanley Weeks, SAIC, (Commander, USN retired)
1045-1100: Coffee Break
1100-1230 Panel Two: Topic: Regional Naval Cooperation History and Prospects for the Future
This panel is intended to: (1) discuss the US experience with navy-to navy cooperation with naval allies who have blue-water navies, and (2) learn more about ROKN ambitions and desires regarding the future of Navy-to navy cooperation with the USN and other regional navies.
— The US Navy’s Experience: The Cases of Japan and Australia: Dr James Auer, Vanderbilt University, (Captain, USN retired)
— Personal Experiences and Observations: Admiral Archie Clemons, USN (retired), former commander U.S. Pacific Fleet.
— ROKN Navy Experiences in Cooperation with USN and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force: Rear Admiral Han Sang-ki, ROKN (retired)
— Personal Experiences and Observations from a former Senior ROK Flag Officer: Admiral An Byoung-tae, ROKN (retired) (Former ROKN CNO)
1230-1400 Lunch
1400-1600: Panel Three: Unique Opportunities for Cooperation?Energy Security from Hormuz to Northeast Asia and Humanitarian Assistance from the Sea
US presentation: Oil-SLOC Security: What is the Threat and How Can the Mission be Accomplished? Dr. Bud Cole, Captain, USN (ret), Professor, National War College
US Presentation: Humanitarian Assistance from the Sea: Lessons from the Indonesian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Ms. Chrisitne Fox, President, Center for Naval Analyses
ROK presenation: ROKN Navy views on SLOC Secuirty and Humaniatraian assistance : Prof. Taeho Kim (Hallym Institute of Advanced International Studies)
1600-1645: Concluding Commentary: Prospects for Future Cooperation and Next Steps
Moderator: RADM Michael McDevitt, USN (retired)
Mr Chung Eui Sung, Founder and Board Chairman, KIMS
Admiral An Pyong-tae, ROKN (retired) President KIMS and former ROKN CNO
Admiral Ronald Zlatoper, USN (retired) former Commander Pacific Fleet
Admiral Thomas Fargo, USN (retired) former CommanderUS Pacific Fleet and US Pacific Command
Admiral Walter Doran, USN (retired) former Commander US Pacific Fleet